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IMARIKA YOUTH ORGANIZATION – A Community Based Organization serving Informal Settlements in Kamukunji Sub -County, NAIROBI KENYA

Breaking the Cycle: Empowering Teenage Mothers Affected by Gender-Based Violence

In Kiambiu’s Informal Settlement, in the Kenya’s Capital Nairobi, a 16-year-old Jane found herself pregnant, a victim of gender-based violence. Jane’s story is not unique; she is one of many girls whose lives are derailed by the twin crises of teenage pregnancy and gender-based violence. These young girls often face stigma, abandonment, and a lack of access to education and healthcare. However, organizations like Imarika Youth Organization are working tirelessly to change this narrative, offering support, education, and empowerment to teenage mothers.

The Crisis of Teenage Pregnancy and Gender-Based Violence

Teenage pregnancy, often resulting from gender-based violence, is a pervasive issue in many parts of Kenya and Africa. In regions where poverty and lack of education are prevalent, young girls are particularly vulnerable. Many are coerced or forced into sexual relationships, leading to unintended pregnancies. The consequences are severe: disrupted education, health risks, and a cycle of poverty that is hard to break.

Jane’s story is a poignant example. She was assaulted by a relative and discovered she was pregnant shortly after. Fearful and confused, Jane faced rejection from her family and community. Her dreams of becoming a nurse seemed shattered.

Imarika Youth Organization: Changing Lives

Imarika Youth Organization is a non-profit Community Based Organization dedicated to supporting teenage mothers affected by gender-based violence. Founded in 2020, the organization operates in several Informal Settlements in Kamukunji Sub-County in Nairobi County, providing comprehensive support to young mothers like Jane.

1. Safe Spaces and Counseling

One of the critical services Imarika Youth Organization offers is safe housing for girls who have been abandoned or are at risk of further violence. These shelters in Conjuction with a sister Community based organization provide a secure environment where young mothers can receive counseling and emotional support. Trained counselors help the girls process their trauma and begin the healing process.

2. Educational Support

Education is a powerful tool in breaking the cycle of poverty and violence. Imarika Youth Organization partners with local schools to ensure that teenage mothers can continue their education. They provide school supplies, and tutoring. For those who cannot return to traditional schools, the organization offers vocational training programs through referrals to Kenya TVETS- Technical Vocational Training Institutions, teaching skills such as sewing, baking, and computer literacy.

3. Healthcare Services

Teenage mothers often face significant health risks, both during pregnancy and after childbirth. Imarika Youth Organization ensures that these young mothers have access to essential healthcare services, including prenatal and postnatal care, vaccinations, and regular health check-ups for their babies through Partnerships with Community Health Providers and Community health volunteers.

4. Advocacy and Community Engagement

Imarika Youth Organization also works to change societal attitudes towards teenage mothers and gender-based violence. They conduct community workshops and seminars to educate people about the importance of supporting victims of violence and the benefits of keeping girls in school. By involving community leaders and parents, we aim to create a supportive environment for young girls.

Jane’s Journey to Empowerment

With the support of Imarika Youth Organization Jane’s life took a positive turn. She moved into one of our safe houses, where she received counseling and medical care. With a scholarship from sister Partner organization, she enrolled in a vocational training program and learned sewing and tailoring. Today, Jane runs a small business, making and selling clothes in her community. She is also an advocate for girls’ rights, sharing her story to inspire others and raise awareness about the issues of gender-based violence and teenage pregnancy.


The work of Imarika Youth Organization is a testament to the power of community support and education in transforming lives. By providing comprehensive support to teenage mothers affected by gender-based violence, we are not only helping individual girls but also challenging and changing harmful societal norms. Organizations like Imarika Youth Organization are crucial in the fight to break the cycle of violence and poverty, offering hope and a path to a brighter future for young girls like Jane.

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