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IMARIKA YOUTH ORGANIZATION – A Community Based Organization serving Informal Settlements in Kamukunji Sub -County, NAIROBI KENYA

Tag: Mental Health

  • After Event Report on Preventing Violence Extremism Activity in Kiambiu Informal Settlements

    Event Summary Date: June 15, 2024Location: Kiambiu Informal SettlementsOrganizers: Imarika Youth Organization – Host and YWCA KenyaParticipants:  YWCA Kenya .( Hosted),Community leaders, local youth, YWCA  representatives, security personnel, and educators (Total: 50 participants) Objectives Activities Conducted Outcomes Feedback Participants provided positive feedback, appreciating the interactive nature of the sessions and the relevance of the topics…

  • Call for Support on Gender-Based Violence and Mental Health for Informal Settlements in Kamukunji Sub County Nairobi County:

    Dear Well Wisher, We hope this letter finds you well. We are writing to request your support for the ongoing initiatives that are crucial to the well-being of our community: the continuation of activities that aim on addressing gender-based violence (GBV) and mental health issues in Informal Settlements in Kamukunji Sub County Nairobi County. Background:…

  • Plights of Mental Health in Kiambiu Informal Settlements

    In the heart of the bustling Kiambiu informal settlement, where narrow alleyways crisscross between makeshift shacks, there lies a hidden world of whispered secrets and silent struggles. Among the myriad of challenges faced by its residents, one issue weighs heavily on the hearts of many – teenage pregnancies. Meet Aisha, a bright-eyed girl of just…

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