What are your thoughts on World Menstrual Day & Upcoming World No Tobacco Day?

IMARIKA YOUTH ORGANIZATION – A Community Based Organization serving Informal Settlements in Kamukunji Sub -County, NAIROBI KENYA

Tag: Partnership

  • After Event Report on Preventing Violence Extremism Activity in Kiambiu Informal Settlements

    Event Summary Date: June 15, 2024Location: Kiambiu Informal SettlementsOrganizers: Imarika Youth Organization – Host and YWCA KenyaParticipants:  YWCA Kenya .( Hosted),Community leaders, local youth, YWCA  representatives, security personnel, and educators (Total: 50 participants) Objectives Activities Conducted Outcomes Feedback Participants provided positive feedback, appreciating the interactive nature of the sessions and the relevance of the topics…

  • A Different Menstrual Health Hygiene Day in Kiambiu Informal Settlements

    In the heart of Nairobi, within the sprawling confines of Kiambiu, Kamukunji’s largest urban slum in Nairobi Kenya, the importance of menstrual health is often overshadowed by daily struggles. However, this year, on Menstrual Health Day, a ripple of change spread through the community, thanks to the dedication of  Imarika Youth Organization and her  group…

  • Call for Support on Gender-Based Violence and Mental Health for Informal Settlements in Kamukunji Sub County Nairobi County:

    Dear Well Wisher, We hope this letter finds you well. We are writing to request your support for the ongoing initiatives that are crucial to the well-being of our community: the continuation of activities that aim on addressing gender-based violence (GBV) and mental health issues in Informal Settlements in Kamukunji Sub County Nairobi County. Background:…

  • Breaking the Cycle: Empowering Teenage Mothers Affected by Gender-Based Violence

    In Kiambiu’s Informal Settlement, in the Kenya’s Capital Nairobi, a 16-year-old Jane found herself pregnant, a victim of gender-based violence. Jane’s story is not unique; she is one of many girls whose lives are derailed by the twin crises of teenage pregnancy and gender-based violence. These young girls often face stigma, abandonment, and a lack…

  • Plights of Mental Health in Kiambiu Informal Settlements

    In the heart of the bustling Kiambiu informal settlement, where narrow alleyways crisscross between makeshift shacks, there lies a hidden world of whispered secrets and silent struggles. Among the myriad of challenges faced by its residents, one issue weighs heavily on the hearts of many – teenage pregnancies. Meet Aisha, a bright-eyed girl of just…

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